Blog : Project Sales

Student & Micro Apartments

Student & Micro Apartments

Studentenstadt Pentling Picaflor Immobilienmakler Berlin

„Studentenstadt Pentling“

Studentenstadt-Pentling Picaflor Immobilienmakler Berlin

„Studentenstadt Pentling“

Picaflor Immobilienmakler Berlin

„Studentenstadt Pentling“

Student & Micro Apartments

Student City Pentling

Picaflor manages and structures the successful distribution of 120 student apartments in Pentling, Regensburg.

We make strategic decisions on the sale of flats, and flats are tied up into packages and rented out in some cases. We successfully marketed more than 100 units in twelve months thanks to the intensive analysis of marketing measures and the continuous updating of all sales portals as well as the optimal positioning on the market.

We support the developer in the area of apartment acceptances, in coordinating the remedy of deficiencies and offer permanent after-sales service support in the area of purchase processing and letting. This is part of our service and enables a safe and fast sale.

Picaflor Immobilienmakler Berlin